Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Our House

I had a few requests for a picture of our house. I'll post pictures of the inside when it's clean......I guess you'll just have to come visit then!!! Troy has been painting the downstairs bathroom today....no it is not ORANGE!! Some of you might remember my bright (and that is putting it gently) orange bathroom in our townhouse in IL. I did get a wild idea to put stripes on one wall (Troy rolled his eyes at the suggestion but is kindly indulging me.)...I'll post pics when it is done....if it turns out.


Randy and Amy said...


Anonymous said...

The green is looking great to me! :)

Nesting Instincts said...

love the color of your house! Oh, and of course love the house! Huge lawn, how fun for the kids!!!
-Beth & Nick Ross

P&A said...
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