Friday, December 18, 2009

Nolan lost a tooth!!

Nolan lost his first tooth yesterday. It had been barely hanging on all day and when we were at his music class he all of a sudden says "My tooth is gone." We looked around for it but I think it probably got swallowed. Oh well......the tooth fairy got a nice note and Nolan got a nice handful of change.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Birthday Girl

Thea celebrated her 4th birthday this week. The celebration included.....

......a birthday playdate with a special friend, poofy princess skirts,

birthday cupcakes,

"mmmm....which one do I want"

and playing dress up.

Thea's school also had a little ceremony for turning 4.

"The earth (globe) moves around the sun (candle) tra-la-la". She walks around the sun one time for each year.

No birthday is complete without a treasure chest full of princess attire.

The long awaited booster seat. Now she can buckle herself in....yeah for Mommy!!

Happy Birthday my sweet not-so-little-anymore girl!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

First Snow!!!

We got our first snow today!!! Brya and Nolan had all their gear on and were outside before 8 o'clock. For me.......the count down to spring begins!

Not enough for a snowman so we had a snowface.

Poor Thea is sick so she had to stay inside. She was actually the first to see the snow because she was up at 4am with a coughing fit. Troy took her outside to try to help with the cough. She had to wake me up to tell me about the snow.

They played happy until the bus came.