Monday, May 10, 2010

Introducing Flint

When you are expecting your first child you are hoping that the child is cute. With the 2nd child you are just hoping for healthy. With the 3rd child you are hoping for a happy baby and with the are just hoping that the child SLEEPS!!

I am so glad to say that Flint is all 4 of these.....CUTE, HEALTHY, HAPPY and SLEEPY!

Just out of the oven....

First time with the bippy. I could hardly keep his hands away from his face for the first few weeks.

ahhh.....the peaceful life of a newborn.

Big Sister Thea can't get enough of him.

Family leaving the hospital

Big brother Nolan letting me watch March Madness with him.

First Sunday

Brya doing her 2 favorite things....holding Flint and reading a book.

I suppose I can wake up for my bath.

First trip to the zoo.

One month

Yes....that does say "caboose" and yes......Mom and Dad mean it.

Two months


Timmann Family said...

Flint is: Happy, Funny, Nice look'n baby, really soft baby with a litte nose, mouth and eyes. Love Ashlynn

Timmann Family said...

He is SO cute! I really can't wait to see him! I just want to rub my hand over his hair, it looks so soft! We miss you guys! Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

Can't beleive how much he has changed already!! He is such a cutie!! Hugs to Auntie RoCinda

Shelly said...

Oh Raelynn he is just so adorable! All your little ones are so precious! I cannot believe how big they are all getting!! Miss you guys!! Luv ya all!!

Amy said...

Such a beautiful family and a sweet little smiling guy! Maybe we will have a chance to get you guys over this summer! School is finished for me, anyway... Have a great Tuesday!

Amy McCleery

Dave and RoCherra said...

I can't believe how big he looks - growing fast! I'm so excited to see him! RoCherra

Robin said...

I agree with RoCinda - he has really changed. Looking forward to seeing him this weekend. Please stay for the day so I can have a little time with him and RoCherra ... and you!

Anonymous said...

You are blessed, indeed. Can't believe how much he's grown and changed already. 2 months? where did that time go?

Randy and Amy said...

I just can't say cute enough times!!!

Karen said...
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Karen said...
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Karen said...

What a beautiful family! Really.
N's mom!

Angie said...

oh oh oh is all I can say! your little family is so darned cute it made me get all teary lol maybe something to do with the pregnancy hormones. Flint is just perfect and he looks very happy as do the rest of them.