Sunday, December 26, 2010


I love how he closes his eyes to get that last bit of air out!! :-)

Friday, December 24, 2010

Brya Quote

"I was just throwing a snowball at the ground and it just happened that Nolan was right where I aimed"

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

One room done......

Remember long ago I was painting stripes (or rather having Troy paint the stripes) in our downstairs bathroom?.....well those stripes didn't work out so well so we painted over them and wondered what to do next. It's OK if you don't was only 2 1/2 years ago!! :-) Anyway, I think we found what works. Do you like? Now on to another room...maybe it won't take so long next time!

Thanksgiving, Secret Missions and all things F

We had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend. Kevin, Robin, Amanda and Alayna came for the long weekend so everyone was happy! There was plenty of food, football, floor hockey, Flint holding.........

There were several different parts to the weekend to I'll try to divide them up into sections......

[The Dinner]

Our table was blessed with: (starting from the left and up and around the table) Flint, Thea, Alayna, Nolan, Troy, Kevin, Robin, Amanda, Brya, Pat, Chester, Roger, Sue, Verlaine, Linda, Raelynn.

Brya showing outrage for the treatment of the turkey. She did eat some though..... (nice outfit)

What is Thanksgiving without the pies? Yum!

Thea tasting some of those yummy pies!

Kevin is great at following directions! I asked him to peel potatoes for me, enough to fill a couple pans. And he did!!........20 pounds worth (for 16 people mind you). Needless to say we really did have potatoes coming out of our Kevin made leftsa on Saturday morning. They were really good.

[BCF-Best Cousins Forever]

The kids have come up with a club called B.C.F. It also includes cousins from out west (see later in this post). It is cute to see them come up with different projects and mail things to each other.

Dressed in Sunday Best

I LOVE this picture of Amanda and Brya. Please, please stay this close girls!!!

Knot-a-Quilt was only one of the MANY projects this weekend.



The West Division of BCF sent out a secret mission for the kids to work on over the weekend. A Scavenger Hunt!! (The pictures were taken by the kids)

Olives and Cider.....of course!

[The Big Game]

BCF sponsored a floor hockey game between the BCF Club and THE DADS. Guess who let who win??

The program that the Moms were given.

Too many bosses!

Way to play goalie Alayna!!

The high five that never happened.

Got one by Dad!

Huddle (do they call it that in hockey?)


Flint's First French Fry

Nolan watching the Husky game.

Kevin and Troy got to go to a Louisville game at the new arena.

Looks like we had the perfect weekend..right??.......perfect timing, I guess. Our washing machine decided to stop spinning our clothes on Wednesday morning so Troy got to brave the Black Friday crowds and get a new one. I ran out of dish cloths and dish towels but we survived by using rags. Pretty....

Brya has been into walking laps in our backyard. She did it for like 3 weeks straight. She talked her cousins into coming out in the rain with her.
That's all.......whew, got this posted before Christmas!! :-)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Little Bits

Brya - Brya has suddenly discovered that she likes football. She even stood up to the boys on the playground (with the teachers help) so she could play during recess. She's even into watching the highlights with Troy.

Nolan - The other day I picked up "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" book from the library. Nolan said "I'm surprised you let us get this book." I asked "why, what is wrong with the book?". Nolan replied "It says DIARRHEA in the title"

Thea - Thea asked if I will "needle" her a wedding dress...just like Chelsea's.

Flint - What do you call it when your baby is NOT crawling BUT can get wherever he wants to go by rolling, schooching, stretching, reaching, rocking, pulling, elbowing, etc. Whatever that is...that is what Flint is doing. We are off to go buy baby gates!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Windows to the soul.....

My Brown Eyed Beauty and Beast

Beautiful Blue Eyes......we always get asked "how did he end up with blue eyes?"

Could be blue
Could be green
Could be brown
Could be hazel
Depends on the day
Depends on the mood
Depends on what she is wearing

No mattter the color, I just love looking at 'em.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Money Song

Auntie RoCherra requested this song that Nolan learned in kindergarten.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the world!! Hope you enjoy the Louis L'Amour books....your collection is almost complete!

Flint's First Dip

At first he cried when we dipped him toes in the water but after a few minutes he fussed when we took him out of the water. Hope he learns to like the pool....we plan on living there this summer!! :-)