Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ever had smoke in your eyes?

Last evening Brya was at a birthday party for a school friend. When she got home I mentioned that she smelled like a campfire (they had made s'mores in the backyard). She said "That Dad said that smoke follows beauty and I even hid behind a tree and it still came after me". I snickered and sent her to bed. Then this morning on the way to meeting we were talking about camping and she pipes up from the back and said "Dad, you won't have to worry about getting smoke in your eyes because smoke only follows beauty".


Dave and RoCherra said...

Laugh out loud!!!!! How funny!!

Anonymous said...

Fun to see some pics again! And love the Brya story - - let me knwo when WE are going camping! Miss you guys...


Timmann Family said...

WAY TO FUNNY!! LOL! (thanks for the update)