Saturday, February 5, 2011


Seems that everyone is posting about snow, so I'll add our pics to the mix......

First we had an ice storm. School was cancelled for 3 days.

Daddy gave the kiddos rides in the back yard. Wheeeeeee

This is Brya and Thea "trying" to play at the swing set. It was quite a chore to even walk around.

Our driveway still isn't clear of the ice.

Blindingly beautiful at times!

Then today we got another 4 or so inches......

Ok spring....anytime now!!

You can tell where Flint has been....

At least he is no longer trying to eat the dog food. Now he just puts all the dry food into Truffie's water. I can not tell you how many times I have pulled him away from the dog food.......hundreds??more??

In baby land book shelves are outlawed, so every time Flint sees a neat book shelf......all the books must come off. Did the other kids do this? Probably.......