Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nolan's Dr Appointment

Nolan saw his Orthopaedic Dr on Tuesday...good news and bad news (mostly good though!). Bad news is...Yes he has Legg-Calve Perthes Disease in his right hip. Good news is....because he is so young and has lots of growing still to do, the bone should be completely healed within two years. We first saw the condition on an x-ray about 17 months ago but he only started having pain in June. More good news....there is nothing we can do to make it worse so he is free to play/run/jump as much as his heart desires. If it does start to hurt he just needs to take a rest. He will have to see the Dr every 4 months for an x-ray to make sure the healing is going as it should. The Dr thinks there should be no lasting effects into adulthood. YEAH!!!